
6.198 E’ possibile testare se un valore sia “logicamente” nullo a prescindere dal tipo dato?(2)
  Alessandro Baraldi
Public Function IsNothing(varToTest As Variant) As Boolean
'Name      : IsNothing (Function)
'Purpose   : Verifie if the Test Variable is Empty
'Author    : Alessandro Baraldi
'E.Mail    :
'Date      : 23 gennaio 2002
'Called by :
'Calls     :
'Inputs    : Variant
'Output    : Boolean
   IsNothing = True
   Select Case VarType(varToTest)
        Case vbEmpty
            Exit Function
        Case vbNull
            Exit Function
        Case vbBoolean
            If varToTest Then IsNothing = False
        Case vbByte, vbInteger, vbLong, vbSingle, vbDouble, vbCurrency
            If varToTest <> 0 Then IsNothing = False
        Case vbDate
            IsNothing = False
        Case vbString
            If (Len(varToTest) <> 0 And varToTest <> " ") Then IsNothing = False
        Case vbVariant
            If IsArray(varToTest) And UBound(varToTest) + 1 > 0 Then IsNothing = False
   End Select
End Function

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