
3.4 Making Forms Adjust Their Size to Their Contents in Access 97.
  Charlotte Foust, Direct Marketing Partners of Sacramento, California US.
I've used this routine for some time in Access 97 to make my forms adjust their size to their contents. However, I decided to apply it to a multipage form and needed to enhance the routine so that I could pass it the specific height I wanted to use to display only one page at a time. As long as I was at it, I added the same functionality for form height. Here's the resulting code:
Sub glrResetWindowSize(frm As Form, Optional intTotalFormHeight, Optional intTotalFormWidth)
   ' copied originally from Access Help files
   ' modified by Charlotte Foust
   Dim intWindowHeight As Integer
   Dim intWindowWidth As Integer
   Dim intHeightHeader As Integer
   Dim intHeightDetail As Integer
   Dim intHeightFooter As Integer
   ' Determine form's height.
   If IsMissing(intTotalFormHeight) Then
      intHeightHeader = frm.Section(acHeader).Height
      intHeightDetail = frm.Section(acDetail).Height
      intHeightFooter = frm.Section(acFooter).Height
      intTotalFormHeight = intHeightHeader + intHeightDetail + intHeightFooter
   End If
   ' Determine form's width.
   If IsMissing(intTotalFormWidth) Then
      intTotalFormWidth = frm.Width
   End If
   ' Determine window's height and width.
   intWindowHeight = frm.InsideHeight
   intWindowWidth = frm.InsideWidth
   If intWindowWidth <> intTotalFormWidth Then
      frm.InsideWidth = intTotalFormWidth
   End If
   If intWindowHeight <> intTotalFormHeight Then
      frm.InsideHeight = intTotalFormHeight
   End If
End Sub
The routine can be called by inserting the following line in the Form_Open event procedure:

Call glrResetWindowSize(Me)

If I want to set the form to a particular height, I add the specific height or Me.InsideHeight as the second argument. Coding in the specific height means I don't have to worry about the form size changing each time I edit the form's design.

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